Our Team
We are an international consortium of consultants to resource industries world-wide. A shared background in structural geology is our common link, but each brings specialist skills that allow us to provide troubleshooting expertise to a large range of problems. We provide solutions both as independent consultancies and in collaboration.
Rod Holcombe: Structural geology, oriented core analysis, 3-D modeling, training. Rod is now semi-retired except for desk jobs and advice
Tim Coughlin: Structural geology, target generation, project design & management
Nick Oliver: Geochemistry, hydrothermal pathways, structural geology, geochem-geophys-structure data fusion. Nick is currently the principal consultant at HCOVG. Contact Nick...
Rick Valenta: Geophysical interpretation, target generation, structural geology, 3-D modelling, project design & management
News & Events

JULY 4-5, 2024: 2 HALF-DAY ONLINE TRAINING: DRILL DATA GEOLOGY INTERPRETATION (jointly with CET/UWA Earth Sciences) Course leader, contact Nick Oliver (HCOV)

Nov, 2023
The second print-run for the print version of the Rod Holcombe text: Mapping & Structural Geology in Mineral Exploration has now sold out although the digital pdf format remains available. This is a text aimed at professionals who may be in need of a refresher in practical structural geology. The book puts practical aspects first with theory at the back just in case you need to delve a little deeper. The book is also available in pdf form for on-line download.
More details, and links to the commercial distribution site, can be found under the Downloads menu here.
On-site & off-site consulting
Project to regional scale structural geology
​​3-D Modeling
Integrated geochemical analysis
Integrated geophysical analysis
​Hydrothermal systems & pathways analysis
​Project generation & review
Due Diligence​
Country entry studies
QA/QC Services
Training & mentoring
Free Downloads
Structural geology Windows software
Oriented drillcore measurement and procedures manual©
​​Workshop manuals: managing large hydrothermal systems©
Oriented drillcore printable wrap-around protractor templates©
Structural plotting templates
​Spreadsheet template for producing geochemical isocon diagrams©
GIS (Mapinfo) software
Datum and projection fundamentals in GIS
Structural geology training animations