Rod Holcombe text:
Mapping and Structural Geology in Mineral Exploration
This book is distributed via Rod Holcombe's site at:
Text book
Text aimed at practicing exploration and mining professionals working in folded, sheared, or cleaved terranes, but also including an outline of basic mapping and field procedures applicable to a variety of terranes. It is very much based on Rod Holcombe's personal approach to working with structures in the field, and has evolved out of numerous in-house training sessions within exploration and mining environments. The assumption is that readers already have a geology degree, but may have forgotten, or require revision of, basic structural geology concepts. It has a practical field-based bias up-front, with theory following.

The print version of the book (234p) is now out-of-print, but it can still be accessed in a number of digital forms:
The full version can be read freely on-line at: this Adobe link
However, this inspection form does not allow downloading or printing. Nor do the Table of Contents provide hyperlinks to the topics.
Digital (pdf) version (sold under license) via the Rod Holcombe book site at:
High resolution pdf intended for printing or on-screen viewing. Passworded, but high resolution printing allowed.
[The pdf version is intended for individual use. They may not be resold or redistributed in any way. Passwords for each version are sold as a license that allows single copy printing].
Site-license high resolution pdf intended for multi-copy printing or on-screen viewing within a defined site. Passworded and imprinted with the site (corporate) name.